Lakeland Orienteering Club

Burnt Woods & Green HowsSat 28 Dec

Turkey Race 2

Local level event

What does this mean?

Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships.

Terrain type: Woodland






Well, the mist certainly added to the atmosphere today for the second Turkey event at Burnt Woods ! Thank you all for joining us and we hope you enjoyed the more technical courses !

As always, thank you to everyone involved today - Alan H the Planner, Richard L-T for safety and first aid cover, the car parking team of Peter H and Tom, the control collectors Sam, Ali, Lindsey and Derek and the SI Team of Ali, Sandy and Roger.

Last updated: Sat 28 December, 2024


Final Details added 27th December

Location Info

Near: Graythwaite
Lat,Lng: 54.31008,-2.98302
What3Words: ///flashback.hippy.officer

The pins on the maps show the location of the parking, the start may be some distance away

Open an interactive map in:
GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap

Directions / Parking

On forest road, starting at SD361909

No nearby postcode

What3App: flashback.hippy.officer

£2 parking fee for Burnt Woods

Start of forest track SD361909, event signed from junction at SD372911

Pre-event Details

Map / Terrain

The area is wooded, mostly runnable, but all courses will visit an area of thicker forest near the start. If the weather is bad you may be required to carry a hooded waterproof jacket, and potentially hat, gloves and waterproof trousers. You should bring these to the event and notices will be displayed in the car park and at the start.

All courses have a section following a high fence above a sharp drop. This may require care if the ground is slippery due to soft mud or especially frost, but the fence is available as a secure handhold. Spiked or studded shoes are strongly advised.

Runners on technical courses overtaking inexperienced juniors along this section are asked to do so with care.

Full leg cover is compulsory, and you must carry a whistle.

Course Information

Long 4.4 km 215 m climb 23 controls

Short 3.0 km 140 m climb 17 controls

Orange 2.5 km 100 m climb 13 controls

Yellow 1.6 km 60 m climb 11 controls

Scale 1:7500 and 5 m contours.

Map last updated in year 2022 (minor updates 2024).

The map will be size A4 and printed on waterproof paper.

Distance to start and climb: 200 m from start of forest road. No climb.

Distance from finish: From 20 m upwards, depending on where parked

Course closing time: 1.30 p.m.

How to choose a course

Entry Details

Online entries are open at SiEntries. Online entry will close at 23:59 on Wednesday 25th December, some entry on the day will also be available.

Fees for online entry:

  • £6 for seniors who are members of either British Orienteering (BO) or LOC
  • £7 for seniors who are not members of either BO or LOC
  • £4 for juniors and full-time students
  • Free for LOC Juniors

Fees for entry on the day:

  • £7 for seniors who are members of either BO or LOC
  • £8 for seniors who are not members of either BO or LOC
  • £4 for juniors and full-time students
  • Free for LOC Juniors

If entering on the day, the correct change would be very much appreciated please!

Registration and Start times

Starts from 10.30 to 12.30

Courses close 13.30


No toilets on site

Dog restrictions

In parking area only, not on courses

Contacts / Officials

Planner Alan Heppenstall

Safety Richard Lecky Thompson

Nearest A&E Hospital

NHS Urgent care search