Lakeland Orienteering Club

New to Orienteering

Last updated: Tue 31 Dec 2024

Orienteering is an exciting outdoor adventure sport which involves navigating around a course using a detailed map and sometimes a compass.
The aim is to navigate between a set of control points and decide the best route to complete the course in the quickest time. It does not matter how young, old or fit you are, and you can run, walk or jog round the course and progress at your own pace.

Family Project End of Year 1 report.

LOC Maprun Challenge Details

LOC Maprun Challenge Course information

How to use Maprun

LOC Maprun challenge courses

Maprun Meetups in summer 2024

sign up here to take part in the LOC maprun challenge

Explorer Awards 12 Sep

Explorer Awards 17 Oct

Explorer Awards 23 Nov

Explorer Awards 4 Dec

Explorer Awards 17 Dec

Explorer Awards 27 Dec

Explorer Awards 31 Dec

Explorer Awards 16th May

Explorer Awards 22 May

Explorer Awards 13 June

Explorer Awards 8th July

Explorer Awards 18th July

Explorer Awards 2nd Sept

2024 Explorer events table

Explorer Awards after Loughrigg

Explorer Awards after Feb Half Term

Explorer Awards Feb 25

Explorer Awards March 20

Explorer Awards April 11

Explorer Awards April 28

Explorer Awards May 3

Family Challenge Log Book

There are 8 different kinds of courses you can enter.

How many controls can you locate?

Build up from Acorn (10) Tree (25) Copse (50) Wood (75) to Forest (100)

Explorer Awards table after 1st Park Series 16 Aug

Explorer Awards table after 3rd Park Series 30 Aug

Explorer Awards table after 3rd Park Series 6 Sep

Explorer Awards table after Hardknott 8 Oct

Explorer Awards table after AGM 14 Oct

Explorer awards table after Fell Foot Oct 27

Explorer Awards Autumn Badge Winners

Explorer Awards table at the completion of the Summer Series

Details of our new Explorer Awards Scheme for junior members. Points are earned by finding controls at selected LOC events. To take part, please send an email with the junior member's name and age to

Controls found by 14th June

Controls found up to JK

Have some spooky orienteering fun at Fell Foot

October Half Term

Mon 23 10-12

Wed 25 1-3pm

Our Spring Series Events are suitable for all abilities and families will be very welcome. Not sure what to expect? We have created some helpsheets to get you started and there will be lots of support available at each of the events.

LOC Event Tips

LOC Map Tips Cunswick Scar

LOC Map Tips Orrest Head

Come and have an adventure with us on Saturday 30th September in the picturesque countryside surrounding Sizergh Castle. Our special maps will take you off exploring a mixture of fields and woodland areas across the estate to find checkpoints.This Find Your Way event will use the free Maprun app to record your progress and upload your results.
White, Yellow and Orange courses

OMM Grassmere Sat 3 Sun 4 June

Alongside British Orienteering, we will be providing free activities and adventure courses from the Grasmere Showfield at the OMM Festival and Grasmere Gallop weekend.
Have a go at finding your way around a mini course within the Grasmere Showfield or tackle a longer trail around the beautiful Grasmere village. You can also race against the clock in our mini orienteering maze with SI timing.
Entry to the showfield will be free and the activities will be open for all to join in. So come along and find us, soak up the festival atmosphere and have a go at navigation.
All ages and abilities are welcome.

Sat 3rd (10am-3pm) and Sun 4th June (10-1pm)
Grasmere Showfield LA22 9SL

An update on the Family Project

and March Update

update page 2

Come and have an adventure with us on Sunday 25th June in the lovely lakeside grounds of Fell Foot Park as we launch the first of our Find Your Way events.
Explore the park using our special maps to find checkpoints and learn to use the free Maprun app to record your progress and upload your results.

Orange Yellow and White courses.

Explorer Challenge Summer Series

Well done to all the LOC juniors who collected points and earned Explorer Badges for finding controls during our Spring Challenge. Your points will be carried forward and there are five more Explorer Badge events during the summer where you can add to your total.You can join the challenge and start earning badge points at any time by emailing with child's name and age.

Controls found by 28 June

LOC Family Project

What we have been working on so far

What we would like to consider developing in the future

Adventure on your doorstep

Coming soon:

Free February half-term family-fun workshops

Six days in/near two lakeland town centres


Monday 20th to Saturday 25th February - All morning sessions

Book your sessions here

Orienteering can be a competitive individual sport or a recreational activity. You normally take part individually, but beginners can go out in pairs or a small group. At a competitive event, the person that visits all the controls in the right order, in the shortest time, is the winner.

Also read: Beginner - Your questions answered

Video help

Manchester and District Orienteering Club have produced a series of 4 videos.

The following video shows you how to start orienteering. We look at the basic elements of the map and particular symbols, what controls look like, and what to expect at a Permanent Course or competition. This video series is designed to help you get out and go orienteering - the ultimate outdoor sport that's a mental and physical challenge. It's a sport for all ages and Permanent Orienteering Courses mean it can be done whenever suits you.

Other videos in the series:

2. Getting Going:

3. Getting Confident:

4. Getting Faster: