Lakeland Orienteering Club

Coaching Day Saturday 18th JanuaryRusland Beeches 10am-12pm

Last updated: Mon 6 Jan 2025

On Saturday 18th January there is a Coaching session organised by Carol McNeill

Carol McNeill is co-coordinating a LOC Group - all members are welcome and will be divided into ability groups. Families welcome.

10am - 12noon - Coaching at the infamous Rusland Beeches. Focus will be on map with compass and reading the map (in the tricky bit) with relocation.

We will meet at 10am . £6 LOC member £10 non LOC payable to me on the day.

LOC juniors free, Non LOC juniors, £3

YOU MUST SIGN UP with Carol by 15th January. Please give age class and colour coded class you usually run in. Final details will follow.

Coaches - If you are able to coach a small group at this session please let me know and which ability you'd prefer to work with.