Schools Series3 events Thursday afternoon
April 24 Ford Park Ulverston
May 2 Fell Foot
May 9 Cartmel Woods
contact Chris Pearson
Yvette Baker Trophy heat
What a fantastic day, competing at Little Budworth on Saturday, LOC took a group of Juniors to the 'Yvette Baker Trophy' heat. Mostly made up of newer members competing in their first club team event. A few nerves but a lot of determination, you all did yourselves and the club proud today.JOINT 1STWow!
Unfortunately... After a recount we are now 2nd
see photos on facebook.
2024 Night TerrainSeries winners
Open Cate Matthew SROC Joe Woodley LOC
Junior Daisy Rennie WCOC Sam Osborne LOC
Vet Rach Stavert LOC Duncan Archer LOC
Super Vet Adele Newall WCOC Ian Porter SROC
Ultra Vet Christine Robinson LOC John Embrey SROC
Thanks Jane Morgan Series Coordinator
Derek Fryer series stats, and everyone else including the SI team and weekly planners.
There were 180 different competitors over the 5 events.
CompassSport Cup HeatHelsington Barrows 18th Feb
Well Done all the LOC competitors at the CompassSport Cup at Helsington.
8 managed to win their course, and many other 2nds and 3rds.
full results on SROC
1st | LOC | 25 | 2458 |
2nd | WCOC | 25 | 2413 |
3rd | DEE | 25 | 2316 |
British Night Successat Hawes End WCOC and Northern Nights
Well run the following LOC members :
M35L 2nd Rhys Findlay-Robinson
M35L 3rd Nicholas Barber
M45L 2nd Duncan Archer
M60S 1st Andrew Leedham
M70L 1st Michael Napier
W40S 1st Liz Heaton
W45S 1st Eleanor Osborne
And all these came 4th…..
M75L Richard Towler
W18L Amelia Thompson
W20L Laura Brown
W45L Jane Morgan
W65L Christine Robinson
and in Northern Nights 3rd March at Weldrake Woods
MUV 3rd Andy Robinson

LOC Award Presentations
At the social gathering, after the Club Champs event at Dockney Parrock yesterday, the annual LOC awards presentations took place for the Explorer awards, all the series winners during 2023, plus the following LOC awards.
Cartmel Priory School successin British Schools Orienteering Championships
Well done Cartmel Priory School in the BSOC - British Schools Orienteering Championships 2023 19th November, Temple Newsam, Leeds.
They returned with 12 medals. The Year 7 girls team came 3rd. The Year 10 girls came 2nd, and overall top 6 scorers achieved 2nd in the small schools category.
Also well run Jamie Osbourne, 2nd year 9 boy and Sam Osbourne, 1st year 11 boy.
CompassSport Cup Final12th Nov 2023
Congratulations to the 6 members of LOC who represented the club at the Forest of Dean last weekend at the Compass Sport Cup Final.