The Helm KendalWed 4 Jan
Event 1 of the Night Terrain Series 2023
Local level event
What does this mean?
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships.
Terrain type: Heathland
Thank you all for joining us on a very wet night for the first event in the Night Terrain Series tonight on The Helm, Kendal. Hopefully you enjoyed your courses and also supported the Station Inn who kindly allowed us to use their car park and facilities !
As usual, there is a list of folks to thank for helping to put on tonight's event - Claire for planning, John for controlling, Loz as Series Co-ordinator, Kath for newcomer welcome, the control collectors Loz, Jerry and Tom and the SI Team of Ali & Mike.
Mainly open heathland with an extensive footpath network and areas of gorse
Location Info
Near: Kendal Lat,Lng: 54.30320,-2.71627 Postcode: LA9 7PR What3Words: ///
The pins on the maps show the location of the parking, the start may be some distance away
Open an interactive map in: GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap
Directions / Parking
Parking is at The Station Inn, postcode LA9 7RF, GR SD 535900, what3words
Pre-event Details
Map / Terrain
Full leg cover is compulsory.
The area is exposed and if the weather is bad you may be required to carry a hooded waterproof jacket, and potentially hat, gloves and waterproof trousers. You should bring these to the event and notices will be displayed in the car park and at the start.
You must carry a whistle, and a spare torch
Course Information
Long course 4.8km 225m climb. Short course 3.1km 150m climb There is no easy/ beginners course on offer at night terrain events Download will be inside the Inn, please don’t forget to come in and download even if you haven’t finished the course and support the landlord who allows us to use the parking by having a drink or a meal there after your run. Start and finish are on the other side of the road a short distance (100m) from the parking. Please take care when crossing the road. There is a map flip at control number 9 on the long course Both courses cross the wall which runs down the centre of the map. We have decided in order not to obscure other map details not to print a magenta line over it, BUT THE WALL MUST ONLY BE CROSSED AT MARKED CROSSING POINTS. There may be cattle and ponies in the south-eastern area of the map. They are usually very placid and friendly towards walkers and runners but may become spooked at night. If possible please given them plenty of space. Dogs are not allowed on the courses for this event. Some of the indistinct paths are very indistinct and there are a couple of new (probably downhill mountain bike tracks) towards the south-west end of the map. They are not on the optimum route choice. Scale 1:5000 and 5 m contours. The map will be size A4 and printed on waterproof paper. Distance to start and climb Distance from finish Course closing time 19:30 |
Entry Details
Pre-entry available via SI Entries here, online entries close at 23:59 on Sunday 1st January 2023, some entry on the day also available.
£6 M/W21+
£4 M/W20- and full-time students
Entry on the day for Long and Short. £7 for seniors and £4 for juniors and students. Correct change please.
Under 16s must be accompanied or shadowed by an adult.
If you want to pre-enter and pay by voucher, you can get the voucher entry code from the Series Coordinator.
Registration and Start times
Registration opens 17:00
Starts from 17:30 to 18:30
If you are going into the Station Inn please change muddy shoes before going in!
Contacts / Officials
Series Coordinator Loz Colyer lozcolyer at
Planner Claire Heppenstall
Nearest A&E Hospital
Kendal Westmoreland Hospital small injuries A&E
NHS Urgent care search
Safety Notes
A whistle, (head)torch and a spare torch must be carried
You must report back to download.