Lakeland Orienteering Club

National Weekend 2024Sun 19 May

Colonel's Drive Middle Distance Race

National level event

What does this mean?

Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships.

Terrain type: Forest






What another beautiful, if hot, day we had again today for the Middle Distance event at Colonel's Drive ! Thank you to everyone for joining us over the weekend, for some fantastic orienteering in the beautiful Lakes, we hope you all enjoyed your courses today also.

Again, many thanks to the small army of LOC volunteers who ensured today's event all ran smoothly again, particular thanks today to Rob for planning, Jane and Nick (DEE) as controllers and Louise and Gill for organising.

Last updated: Tue 21 May, 2024


Lakeland Orienteering Club warmly welcome you to a National weekend of top class orienteering

Day 2 Middle Distance including UKEOL

Final details May 12

FOUND: A set of keys were found in the car parking field at Colonel's Drive event yesterday.Look like door keys.Contact the Organiser ( Louise for more information.

Location Info

Lat,Lng: 54.33005,-2.95674
Postcode: LA22 0LU
What3Words: ///shaves.sheepish.method

The pins on the maps show the location of the parking, the start may be some distance away

Open an interactive map in:
GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap

Directions / Parking

Travel Directions

Low Cunsey Farm LA22 0LU GR SD 379 932

w3w ///shaves.sheepish.method

Approaching from the south [Newby Bridge] the event will be signposted at the minor road junction just north of Graythwaite Hall [right turn]


Approaching from the north [ Hawkshead ]pass the western side of Esthwaite Water to the signposted minor road junction as above [left turn]


Follow the road to Low Cunsey parking field

Parking & Assembly

Campervans, motorhomes & minibuses will be parked on hard standing in the farmyard with a small amount of backup parking directly opposite assembly.

Please confirm if you are bringing any of the above on your entry form so we are aware of numbers to expect.

Cars will be parked in the field directly adjacent to assembly.

Compass Point, Podium Catering & NWJS cake stall [TBC] will be in the Assembly field.

Toilet and hand washing facilities in the Assembly area. Please note accessed via steep steps.

Club tents in the designated area only please signs will be in-place on the day.

Pre-event Details

Map / Terrain

The area has been newly updated by Martin Bagness [2024]


The majority of Colonels Drive is gloriously runnable woodland of mature deciduous trees and good visibility. There is little understorey, though bracken will be starting to appear but is not expected to impede progress much at this time of year. The general topography is of broad contours with many small hills and valleys, but there is a steep slope running across the area with rocky ground and crags. There is plenty of detail in contour, rock and marsh. There are few line features. Some sections of old vehicle tracks have faded away but they, along with animal tracks, are still visible on the ground. Paths and tracks are only mapped where they are clearly visible

The area is bounded by the track used to get to the start, fences and a minor road. The road is out of bounds, and you do not need to cross any fences or the track.

Areas of windblow (fallen large trees) are mapped with the undergrowth symbol and are mostly uncrossable. Note that Light Green and Orange courses initially pass along a tall fence with windblow shown alongside it: There is a clear route between the fence and the windblow.

The planning guideline for orange courses states that competitors should have the ability to navigate short legs on a rough compass bearing to a control on or in front of a collecting feature. In this area, this skill will be required. Collecting features include ruined walls, marshes, streams.

Recent tree felling and the windblow has made it impractical to offer White or Yellow courses.

Extra family activities are available in the string course area, please note this is a parent/carers supervised area.


Safety Bearing East and follow the land used to access the parking field.

BEWARE! Projecting from some of the fenced enclosures are stakes and wires which support the fences. Some stakes do not have wires connected and can be hard to see. These are small and low, and can be a trip hazard, so give the fences a wide berth.

Black, Green and Short Green will pass by a black X on the map which is a large tentlike shelter, or if the tent is not in place then an array of benches which would be in the tent. The pegs which support the tent are also a trip hazard: They are left in place when the tent is removed and are hard to see, so give it a wide berth too.

Course Information

Provisional Courses

CourseM Age ClassW Age ClassDistance kmClimb m
BlackM18; M20; M21; M35; M405.4285
BrownM45; M50W18; W20; W214.7270
BlueM16; M55; M60W35; W404.2


GreenM65; M70W16; W45; W503.3


Short GreenM75; M80; M85W55; W60; W652.8115
Very Short GreenW70; W75; W80; W851.9


Light GreenM14W142.6110


Control Descriptions

All course will be provided with control descriptions in the start boxes


Will be close to the Assembly field. Please take care when crossing the minor road.


The download caravan will be in the Assembly field before you enter the parking field. Please do not forget to download even if you retire.


This is a punching start but all competitors have a start time so please adhere to your start time as it will be difficult to slot in late competitors & you may be waiting for a long time!

Route to the start will be signposted via the assembly field. 600m gentle uphill walk on forest track.

Please use the designated route to the start and from the finish and do-not use the gates from the parking field and take extra care when crossing the minor road for other road users and pedestrians.

A short walk via a short road section on a good gravel track; please use the track section to warmup and do not enter the forest either side of the start route.

This is a punching start but all competitors have a start time so please adhere to your start time as it will be difficult to slot in late competitors & you may be waiting for a long time!

The finish will be siac enabled. Distance from Finish 150m

Junior activities

As there is no white or yellow course provided we are planning a field full of fun Orienteering activities for kids adjacent to the Assembly field. Organisers Kath Savage & Gavin Pattison.

How to choose a course

Entry Details

Entries via SI Entries here.

£16/seniors £6/juniors

EOD [subject to availability of maps ] £18/£8

Closing date Wednesday 15th May 2024 11.59pm

Registration and Start times

Registration 10am

Start times are 10.30am-1.30pm, start times available on the SI Entries website here.

Courses close at 3.30pm. Please be aware when entering the longer courses!


Compass Point, Podium Catering & North West Junior Squad cake stall will be in the Assembly field.

Dog restrictions

Dogs are only allowed in the Assembly area & Parking field on leads, not on the courses. Please contact the Organiser if you have a medical support dog.

Contacts / Officials

Event Coordinator Gill Browne [LOC]

Planner Rob Smith [LOC]

Organiser Louise Thompson LOC

Controllers Jane & Nick Campbell [DEE]


Ed Sandys Graythwaite Estate

Nearest A&E Hospital

Furness General Hospital Dalton Lane, Barrow LA14 4LF
NHS Urgent care search