Caw, Long Distance RaceSun 20 Mar
Duddon Spring Weekend
Regional level event
What does this mean?
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships.
Terrain type: Fell
Results are now available here for today's event, analysis links (Winsplits & RouteGadget) to follow.
Thank you for joining us on another beautiful day in the Duddon Valley, we hope you enjoyed the event ! Many thanks to Derek for planning and Andy as Controller, Steve the Organiser and the SI Team of Ali & Mike, and all other helpers.
Any questions on the results, please drop us a line at
One item of lost property was handed in - a Suunto thumb compass with a red/white/black strap, please let us know on the above email if it's yours !
The terrain being used will be mostly new to most competitors as parking is usually on the east side of the map. The area is predominantly open terrain, and will be printed 'white' for rough open fell. All competitors will encounter pleasant woodland near to the end of their course, this is marked in pale green but has good runability where not marked as rocky.
The 'fell wall' must only be crossed at the crossing points and all gates must be properly closed. To assist the competitors to comply with this, all courses have a control at their crossing point, please remember to punch before you use the crossing point.
Unfortunately because of the terrain there will not be a White course and those who enter the Yellow will need to be able to follow ditches, streams and ruined walls as opposed to tracks.
Location Info
Near: Lat,Lng: 54.35354,-3.19318 Postcode: LA20 6ED
The pins on the maps show the location of the parking, the start may be some distance away
Open an interactive map in: GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap
Directions / Parking
Parking will be in the same location on both days adjacent to the Newfield Inn
Grid ref: SD 228 960
Post code: LA20 6ED
W3W: ///clap.readings.sofas
Travel Directions
The event will be signed from Duddon Bridge on the A595. Please approach Seathwaite from that direction. Drive carefully on the narrow roads.
Parking field.
£1 per car will be collected on entrance to the parking field.
Parking is in a gently sloping field behind the Newfield Inn. Apologies but due to access difficulties larger camper vans and motorhomes cannot be accommodated in the parking field. Please note there will be NO overnight camping or parking allowed in the parking field. There is only one entry/exit gate and there is no exit before 12noon.
Dogs must be kept on a lead in the car park.
There are two timber piles near the parking field entrance. These should not be climbed on. There is also a small river running down the side of the field, please keep out and parents/carers be vigilant with children.
Whistles are compulsory and cagoules are advised and may be mandatory. This will be at the organisers’ discretion based on the weather conditions. If required notices will be posted at the event.
Please note course closure times for each race and aim to finish your course or report to download by that time.
Parish Hall.
The Parish Hall is located approx 200m along a quiet road. Although there is very little traffic please walk to the side of the road, supervise small children and allow vehicles to pass. We are fortunate to be able to have access to this indoor facility. Whilst it may be tempting to use it as a congregation point (especially if the weather isn’t being kind to us) please avoid doing so. We want to avoid too many people gathering together and encourage everyone to be respectful and where possible maintain social distancing. Anyone who has cycled to the event can leave their bags in the hall whilst they are competing. Please remove muddy shoes and shoes with dobs before entering the hall. Enquiries, toilets, download, cake stall, first aid, and assistance for beginners and newcomers are all located at the Parish Hall.
Download. Please remember to download even if you retire.
Splits printouts will be provided at Download but there will be no results on display at the event. The results will be on the LOC website asap after the event.
Pre-event Details
Map / Terrain
The terrain being used will be mostly new to most competitors as parking is usually on the east side of the map. The area is predominantly open terrain, and will be printed 'white' for rough open fell. All competitors will encounter pleasant woodland near to the end of their course, this is marked in pale green but has good runability where not marked as rocky.
The 'fell wall' must only be crossed at the crossing points and all gates must be properly closed. To assist the competitors to comply with this, all courses have a control at their crossing point, please remember to punch before you use the crossing point.
Unfortunately because of the terrain there will not be a White course and those who enter the Yellow will need to be able to follow ditches, streams and ruined walls as opposed to tracks.
Course Information
YELLOW 2.1 140 White
ORANGE 2.7 150 White
LIGHT GREEN 3.6 80 Red
SHORT GREEN 3.7 155 Red
GREEN 4.8 195 Red
BLUE 6.7 290 Red
BROWN 10.1 435 Red
Red - Safety bearing: West, then follow the track (and wall) north back to assembly. If you are NOT in the SE third of the area, it's easiest to just head downhill.
Map scale:
Yellow, Orange & VS Green 1:5000
LGreen, SGreen, Green, Blue. 1:7500
Brown. 1:10000
Entry Details
Entries via SI entries: £9 adult. £5 student/junior
Newcomers and beginners. Newcomers and beginners of all ages are welcome and can enter the Yellow Course on the day. The cost is £2 per person and will include the free use of a dibber (although a charge of £30 is made if the dibber is lost). There will be someone there to offer advice, so if there are family members or friends who want to have a go at orienteering please bring them along. If you are interested or require further information please email Carol McNeil prior to the event
Registration and Start times
The route to the starts are on a rocky, relentlessly uphill miner's track.
White Near start minimum 0.7km with 55m climb
Red Far start minimum 2.1km with 230m climb
Starts for Yellow & Orange (White Start) 11am-12noon
Starts for VS Green (White Start) 10.30am - 12.30pm
Starts for all other courses (Red Start) 10.30am - 12.30pm
YELLOW MAPS: Collect from enquiries in the Parish Hall BEFORE going to the start.
It is a punching start. All other controls including the finish will be SiAC enabled.
The finish is 100m from the Newfield Inn very near to the car park.
Courses close: 3pm
First Aid
A first aid kit will be available at enquiries. A first aider will be present but in the first instance people will be asked to administer their own treatment. In the event of more serious injuries an emergency department can be found approx 40minutes travel distance away at Furness General Hospital Dalton Lane Barrow-In-Furness, LA14 4LF
There is a defibrillator located on the front wall of the building next to the Newfield Inn.
We are grateful to the owners of the Newfield Inn for allowing use of their field for parking. Please consider visiting the Inn for drinks or food.
Cake Stall. Please bring cash and support the cake stall. All proceeds will go to support the North West Junior Squad.
Dog restrictions
<p>Dogs will be allowed in the parking field</p>
Contacts / Officials
Organiser: Stephen Fellbaum
Planner: Derek Allison
Controller: Andy Robinson