Bethecar Moor New DateSun 5 Feb
Bethecar Moor Gallopen
Regional level event
What does this mean?
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships.
Terrain type: Fell
We hope you enjoyed your courses today, on the lovely area of Bethecar Moor - thank you all for your patience whilst we sorted out a new date for the event after having to postpone it originally from last December.
As always, thank you to everyone from LOC who was involved today in some capacity, particularly Andy the Planner, Jerry the Controller and Rebekah the Organiser !
Planners Comments from Andy:
Many years ago I learnt that the first step to planning really good courses is to get to use a really good area. Bethecar. That’s nice. Box ticked.
Now highish moorland in mid-winter could be tricky. Could be one or more of snow, ice, gale-force winds, driving rain or low cloud. Better not make courses too long. That will save effort and tick another box.
Bethecar is wide open. Opportunity for long legs, Fewer controls. Less effort. Another box ticked (or was it the same one again?).
And then the weather turns out fine -that’s definitely a different box to tick. Makes the running times a bit on the short side, but so be it. Any of you feeling short-changed should have been here on Friday when Jerry and I were putting out controls in 80-100m visibility with low cloud all over.
Now Jerry he deserves thanks for being such a nice light-touch controller. Rebekah and Carol had everything organised to a T. Gill handled all the permissions. Ali and Mike covered entries and all that electronic stuff that I don’t understand. Thank you to all of them.
See you at the next one.
*** Final Details ***
Why not make a weekend of it - Border Liners have a NWNL night event on Sat 4th Feb at Knipe Scar, preliminary details are here.
Location Info
Near: Ulverston Lat,Lng: 54.27342,-3.06650 Postcode: LA12 8HN What3Words: ///harder.weekend.bedspread
The pins on the maps show the location of the parking, the start may be some distance away
Open an interactive map in: GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap
Directions / Parking
Parking is along forest roads off Bessy Bank Lane.
Routes will be signed from the A5084 at Lowick Bridge and from the minor road between Colton and Oxen Park at GR 315867. From the entrance to the forest track at GR306870 it is nearly 2k to Race Assembly. Linear parking is along this route and you should have £2 CASH TO HAND.
THERE WILL BE NO PARKING FOR LARGE MOTORHOMES. Campervans please park as directed.
Please share cars if possible
Pre-event Details
Map / Terrain
A Championship standard open area with few line features. Although hilly there are no major climbs
Full leg cover is compulsory .
Open moorland (shown as white on the map).
The area is exposed and if the weather is bad you must carry a hooded waterproof jacket, and hat, gloves and potentially waterproof trousers.
You must carry a whistle.
Course Information
Brown | 7.8k 350m | 1:10 |
Blue | 5.8k 260m | 1:10 |
Green | 4.1k 180m | 1:7.5 |
Short Green | 3.1k 145m | 1:7.5 |
Very Short Green | 2.2k 80m | 1:7.5 |
Light Green | 3.0k 130m | 1:7.5 |
Orange | 2.3k 90m | 1:7.5 |
Yellow | 2.2k 65m | 1:7.5 |
Course lengths to be confirmed
Scale: varied and dependant on course
The map will be size A4 and printed on waterproof paper.
Distance to start and climb: 600m and 25m from far end of the linear parking, flagged in red.
Distance from finish: 300m (just off the route to the start)
Course closing time 14:30
If you think you may be a long time on the course, please start by 11.45
Entry Details
Pre-entries available via SI Entries here. Online entries close at 23:59 on Wed 1st Feb. Some EOD will be available.
£9 M/W21+
£5 M/W20- and full-time students
Parking £2 per car. Please have correct change ready.
EOD prices £9 for seniors and £5 juniors 9.30 to 11.30am
Registration and Start times
Registration from 9.30am.
Start times 10.30-12.30
To be given in final details
Dog restrictions
Dogs not being allowed to accompany orienteers on the course
Contacts / Officials
Planner – Andy Robinson
Controller Jerry Purkis
Organiser - Rebekah Beadle and Carol McNeill